A Spring Meditation For Your Body And Soul

It’s spring… finally

I love experiencing the change in seasons, especially the

transition from winter to spring. 

Can you feel it?

Even if it is still cold outside, if you take a moment to tune in you can

experience the shift right now. 

The days are a little brighter and a little longer.

The weather is a little warmer, even if it struggles to do so

(and if you live in the north, you know what I mean).

The plants begin to show the hope of life.

The scent in the air changes, too.

It’s like everything is slowly coming back to life.

It’s all pretty magical.  

There are so many subtleties that you might miss unless you

take the time to allow stillness.

When we slow down - like WAY down,

we can experience MORE.

The same can be applied to how we connect with our physical bodies. 

Like the seasons, they change and shift all the time -

from year to year; from day to day; from hour to hour; from minute to minute. 

Some of the changes are subtle - like a whisper -

and taking the time to “listen” to what our bodies have to say

is a powerful mindful practice

that could enhance our lives ( and maybe even save them).

In this week’s podcast I lead you through a short

and sweet body awareness

exercise that is simple, yet impactful. 

It gives you the opportunity to

connect with your body - to listen and respond

to what it wants and needs.  

I know that you are busy and there is SO much to do,

but give yourself the gift in slowing down -

just a little - to connect with the beauty of spring

and the brilliance of your own body.  

You can listen to this week’s podcast episode here.

New Programs In Lansing, MI

Anxious to Awesome

Our kids are living in a very stressful and uncertain world

and they can sense it, no matter how hard

we try to shield them from the truth of it all.

After all, they CAN pick up on our anxiety

and anxiety is contagious.

Even though we can’t always protect them

from the stressors of life,

we can help them to navigate and even manage

their uncomfortable feelings.  

Anxious to Awesome is a program 

meant to empower children and help

them manage their minds and moods with a

time-tested system that works. 

We use movement, mindfulness, breath,

thought work, journaling and

creative expression to help them make a plan

towards agency over their own minds.

I am offering this program in person in

Delta Township/ Lansing, MI this spring!

Visit this link to learn more .

Family Yoga

Family yoga is FUN!  It gives families a time to bond in light hearted, peaceful,

playful and creative ways.  And it’s FUN. It’s supposed to be.

It is taught with the spirit of the child in mind. It promotes strong family bonds, builds

confidence and enhances communication between family members. 

Oh, did I mention that it is fun?  Experience it for yourself!

Learn more about Family Yoga in Lansing, Mi here. 

Support Free Yoga On The Internet
I have a YouTube channel. It is my effort to contribute to free yoga classes on the internet.
But all FREE classes come at a cost (yep, I am being real here).
It helps me and other yoga class creators online when we have your support.
How can you support? Easy! Just check out my videos, like and subscribe!
It helps out my channel a lot. The more followers I get, the more I get to teach
lots of people for free. (Isn't that cool?)
And remember to like, comment and subscribe.
Until next time, here's wishing you and your's all the YUM in life!

